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Writer's picturekirstenleemarshall

No one will do it for you.

Updated: Aug 9, 2019

Me-time, eating food with high nutritional value and exercising to boost body and mind are investments you will have to make in yourself. We all know it, but most of us don’t do it. We have hundreds of excuses... good excuses, but none of these excuses will help you achieve your goals.

It is also true that it’s not always that easy to change you busy schedule. Others depend on you (or are perhaps misusing you) and yet, you know that somehow you need to put yourself first for a change... even if it is only for a few hours per week.

And then, when you make the decision to start implementing changes, you are unsure about where to start?

What should you include in your eating program and what to eliminate? How do I make my new nutrition plan fit in with the rest of the family so that there wouldn’t be 3 different menus to prepare each day!

Should you do Pilates or Yoga , Group classes or use Gym equipment? What exercises would be best for you? Yes, just thinking of all that is enough to make one procrastinate.

With all that said, what options do you have?

Perhaps the first that comes to mind is to leave it for now and decide later whether to do it or not. Or to press on trying to do it on your own despite the fact that it did not work out the previous time you tried.

Fortunately there is an easier option.

Did you know that superheroes have sidekicks helping and supporting them save the world?

Other people who are successful in different spheres of life also realised that this is one of the best ways to ensure you reach your goal: You must GET AN EXPERT TO GUIDE, SUPPORT AND HELP YOU. If you also want to make sure you succeed, go to a specialist with the knowledge and empathy to show you how and to motivate you to get there.

Your SOLUTION is to go to a Personal Trainer who is attentive to your unique needs, who can assist you with the correct advice on nutrition and work out a tailor-made exercise program especially for you.

Now is not the time for excuses. It’s time for results. It’s time to succeed.

Kirsty, a professional personal trainer with lots of experience, who is very successful and has an impressive track record, would love to help you in whatever way she can.

For a limited time Kirsty is doing 30 minute complimentary consultations for everyone wanting to know how she can assist with weight loss, pre- and post natal wellness and other wellness goals.

Anyone deciding to join after the free consultation will receive another freebie to the value of R900!

To find out more and schedule your FREE CONSULTATION at POINT VIRGiN ACTIVE or via Facetime, click here.




● Functional Training

● Core, Balance, Toning and Shaping

● Weight Management

● Stretching and Flexibility

● Mat Pilates

● 200 hour Vinyasa Yoga

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